Welcome to
St. Mary's Preparatory School
We have been at the centre of education in Henley for almost 100 years, helping generations of children to learn in a stimulating and inspiring environment. Situated in the heart of the town in a beautiful Victorian townhouse, our vibrant co-ed prep school provides an outstanding education for children aged 3 – 11 years.
Proud of our reputation for delivering academic excellence – the attainment of St. Mary’s pupils is above national age-related expectations in all subjects, and our more able pupils are challenged and stretched with a range of classroom work and additional activities.
Our pupils are well prepared to make the transition on to the next stage in their education, with children consistently receiving offers from their first choice of the most prestigious schools in the area, including scholarships and awards.
Meet our Headteacher, Mr Stephen Blundell
Welcoming a new headteacher for the first time in 15 years, this autumn is a very exciting time for St. Mary’s Preparatory School and Nursery. Stephen Blundell joins St Mary’s after spending 10 years at Wetherby Prep in London, where he served as Deputy Head for 5 years.
"As soon as I stepped into the school, I was immediately drawn to the happiness of the children. The interactions between boys and girls of all ages give a clear sense of a nurturing, family oriented environment underpinned by exceptional pastoral care. These strong foundations are vital in allowing each pupil to develop personally, academically and creatively whilst at St Mary's."
- Mr. Stephen Blundell
Nurturing excellence
in the heart of Henley
Our outstanding onsite facilities are enhanced by excellent sports and outdoor options in Henley-on-Thames and the local area.
Our specialist classrooms such as a fully equipped science lab, light and airy art studio, music room and vibrant well stocked library, foster a dynamic learning environment. Our wonderful outdoor spaces include a recently refurbished courtyard playground and all-weather sports area, climbing frame and soft surface. Our Nursery and Early Years children also benefit from their own specialist fun and interactive outdoor area in addition to the main school facilities.
Laptops, iPads and interactive whiteboards, in our classrooms, all connected through our school-wide wireless network, promote interactive learning.
We have close relationships with a number of local organisations, enabling us to provide our pupils with exciting learning environments, all just a short walk or minibus journey away.
Join us for a Personal Tour
Shape a bright future for your child
Book a personal tour today to discover excellence in education, experience our nurturing community, and envision a future full of promise for your child.
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Enjoy regular updates on life in our School and Nursery
Our Nursery and Reception class had an amazing valentine-themed outdoor play this week with @wild_ones_of_henley_ .
Lots of fun valentine activities and craft enjoyed in the outdoors!
We ❤️ our outdoor play with @wild_ones_of_henley_
#startingschool #forestschool #henley

Year 4 enjoyed a wonderful day at @oxfordcastle where they learnt about the history of the castle and the fascinating story of Mary Blandy. A brilliant day for all. #stmarysprep #henley #oxfordcastle

Today, as part of Safer Internet Day, we focused on digital safety, with children from Year 1 through to Year 6 participating in highly informative webinars hosted by Cognita. The sessions included expert speakers discussing topics such as "Is everything online as it seems?", "Too good to be true?", and "How AI is changing the rules."
The children in years 1 and 2 heard a wonderfully imaginative story of PENGUINPIG, about a little girl who discovers an intriguing creature online and sets off on a quest to find it. They enjoyed sharing their ideas with other Cognita schools about whether everything we see online is as it appears to be.
With online safety being more crucial than ever, today has been a valuable step forward in raising awareness and deepening the children’s understanding of the online world and the risks they may be facing.
#prepschoolhenley #stmaryshenley #saferinternet2025 #prepschool

Our Year 2 class have been making recycled paper in their science lesson. After an evaluation, they decided that they needed to make the paper even more `mushy` before straining. They used a range of scientific investigation skills by asking questions, making predictions, observing, recording and evaluating. The exercise combined practical science skills with teamwork, encouraged creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to make improvements based on observation and evaluation. Well done Year 2, you’ve developed some essential skills that will be extremely valuable as you move up to Year 3!
#prep #prepschool #prepschoolhenley #stmaryshenley #STEMFun

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week, and the theme for this year is "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself," which emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and emotional expression. We started off the week with a special assembly, where we discussed the various emotions we all experience and the importance of learning how to "find our happy."
Our Year 2 class have been busy making fortune tellers which show ideas for how we can manage our feelings whether it`s to feel happier, sad or just tired!
We would also like to thank our catering group, Thomas Franks, for their presentation on the important topic of health and nutrition. Nutritionist, Lottie Morey, shared many helpful tips on making healthier choices and personal habits to help improve well-being.
#prepschool #prep #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek #place2be

In celebration of Number Day, our Nursery class had great fun taking part in a Number Hunt!
#startingschool #numberday2025 #stmarysprephenley

We are now taking applications to join our Reception Class, in September 2025.
With specialist teaching including French, Music and PE from their first day, our children thrive. In 2023-24, 100% of pupils met the `expected` level in all areas of learning (UK average 67.7%).
"The teaching is of the highest quality. Every teacher is fantastic." - St. Mary`s Parent Feedback, January 2025
To find out more about how your child could thrive at St. Mary`s, book your tour today: 01491 573118 or admissions@stmarys-henley.co.uk
#startingschool #preschool #prepschool #henley #school #wearecognita #independentschool

Thank you to @pizzaexpress in Henley for hosting our Reception class this morning for a fun pizza making class. The children are currently enjoying a ‘2 week trip around Europe’ and are learning about similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries. Today the destination is… Italy 🇮🇹
#stmarysprephenley #henleyonthames #pizzaexpresshenley #prepschool #prepschoolhenley

St Mary's Preparatory School is a Microsoft Showcase School
We are proud that St Mary's Preparatory School has been recognised as a Microsoft Showcase School, dedicated to using technology for personalised learning and school-wide transformation.
With 1:1 devices and cutting-edge tools like Microsoft Teams, Office 365, and OneNote, we enrich students' learning experiences.
Our goal is to make their skills relevant in real-world scenarios, seamlessly integrating knowledge into daily life and future projects.
Parent & Pupil Feedback
Parents agree that:
the school safeguards their children effectively.
the school helps their children to be confident and independent.
the range of subjects is suitable for their child.
their child is well prepared for senior school.
the school equips their child with the skills they need later in life.
100% pupils agree that the school expects the children to behave well.
Unlock Your Child's Potential
Discover the enriching journey your child will embark on
through the various school stages at St. Mary’s Preparatory School.